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by Yao Wei Tjong 姚伟忠

Human Learning

This PWA contains the online documentation for my projects and personal blog.

About myself

I was graduated in Indonesia as an electronic engineer, however, my passion has always been with computer programming. My first self-taught computer language was Applesoft BASIC many years ago when I had my first Apple ][ home computer, which was bought from Singapore and "shipping" to a border town called Tanjungpinang in Bintan island where I was born. I attempted to learn the 6502 assembly programming the hard way too from a book, but I think I mostly ended up spending my time playing Karateka and being amazed by it in those early years of owning a home computer. I have dreamt of being a game developer since then.

Now I live in Singapore and become its citizen. It all thanks to PowerBuilder, another self-taught computer language I learnt that landed me a job in UBS when I first set my foot in SG in 1998. Currently I work in DBS, the world's best bank in 2019, as a full-stack software developer using Kotlin/Spring + JS/React. These are some of the skills I picked up along the way to make my ends meet. I still dream to be a game developer one day, although I must say I actually ended up spending most of my free time playing Prince of Persia series instead during my younger years.

To be continued...

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Dockerized build environment utilises Docker technology to quickly setup build environment in a container with cross-compiling toolchain preconfigured for building software targeting a specific platform.

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cmake-1 is a collection of CMake modules and toolchains for cross-compiling.

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Urho3D is a free lightweight, cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine implemented in C++ and released under the MIT license. Greatly inspired by OGRE and Horde3D.